Thursday, May 8, 2014

in the quiet. #redballoonsforryan

I'm sitting here very late at night in a very quiet house. The toys have been all put away, books have been read and teeth have been brushed. I feel like I can finally sit and breathe. Thinking about my day I go directly to how tough it was, I could not catch a break today. I was literally puked on, pooped on and had miso soup spilled on me. All by the same little person. Today was rough. But I choose to be grateful. I choose to embrace the mess and crazy, because life changes in an instant.

If you haven't heard about the devastating story that has taken social media by storm then I ask you to stop reading and go here to learn about little Ryan. I can't even begin to imagine the pain this family is feeling. I read about it early Tuesday morning and it shook me to my core. As parents we know the love we have for our children. Even in the rough times, there is a strong love that can not be broken. No parent should have to bury their child. Seeking God in sorrow is my prayer for this mom. For Jacqui and her family. Because I can only connect to her by the bond of motherhood and I can only pray that she can seek Him in all this pain.
There is community in the "ridiculousness" that is social media. There is humongous heart. So many people have rallied to keep Ryan's story alive. There is joy in Jacqui's IG feed. Laughter and love in all of her photos. It speaks volumes as to how great of a mother she is. Share the story and embrace this families pain. If you want to help there are many ways, I felt compelled to reach into my crafty past-life and make a wooden red balloon. One that will last and hopefully hang on someones wall to remind them to love forever.
There will be an auction held on Instagram this Saturday. Find it at @redballoonsforryan

Hold on to your loved ones extra tight. Live everyday to it's fullest and always, always share God's love for us. Through good times and bad there is a plan, taking anything for granted is just foolish. We aren't promised memories and even though sometimes it's hard to live in the moment, I'm choosing to cherish every single day.

To learn more search #redballoonsforryan

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