Friday, May 9, 2014

Can we talk about my happy place? #mommylovestarget

I have a (not so secret) secret to share- I'm addicted to Target. I confess that I love going and wandering the aisles. I've even mastered the art of handing the kids an Icee and having a solid hour to roam.
It's a problem that I fully admit to. A problem I do not want to fix.

I was at a women's retreat recently and had my bag packed full of goodies. Without realizing it most of what I wore that weekend was from the good ole red place. When I would get asked where I got something it turned into a little joke in our room- of course! Target! I loved sharing my finds with other people and I wanted to continue to do it after leaving the retreat.
Find all info on these items on IG
Enter @mommylovestarget! You can find me sharing away on Instagram and if you use the #mommylovestarget hashtag we all get to share with each other. This is not something I'm looking to make money off of- simply a fun way to share with other ladies the fun things and good deals that we find! I will do a monthly roundup of my top picks (mine or others) here and we can ooh and ahh- or run to our nearest store- to pick up a must have item!

Happy Shopping!

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