Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Beautiful Mess: Embrace Your Story

I have a lot of really amazing women in my life. There's a group that I'm a part of that helps me through motherhood. Because let's face it- motherhood is flippin hard sometimes. It's a hot mess that can tear you apart if you let it. But MOPS is helping change that.
Mothers of Pre-Schoolers.
We are a group of moms in the same season. A sometimes hard season that we may struggle through. We have a place where you can be with other moms that get it. They get the highs and the lows. They enjoy the laughter and the tears. They know where you are in life because they are there too. We gather together and enjoy a few hours child free to be poured into. Have brunch with friends and listen to speakers, craft it up, relax.. we get to just breathe. Because sometimes life can be so hectic and you're being pulled into so many different directions.. sometimes you forget to just breathe.
I'm grateful for this season that God has me in. Besides loving the two little boy that He gave me I also get to enjoy sharing life with these wonderful, talented, beautiful moms. We enjoyed our last group of the spring session today. A Pamper Yourself day, because each of us deserved it.
Amazing pictures from Kirenia Photography, yet another super talented mom.
I encourage you to find a place, a group of people that you can open up to. Share life with other people, make relationships and create deep friendships. Be real and authentic so that whatever you may be going through can reach someone else as well. Do life together ladies- be brave together, be strong together, celebrate one another! Embrace your story. 


  1. First - I love the photos that were taken - they are gorgeous. Second - I love that your have this little community. I had no idea or inkling about MOPS when my kiddies were in preschool - wish I had. You are so blessed with this group of women:)

    Thanks for sharing your Pampering Day - Now I want one:)

  2. This looks like such a great time. I love that you have a little community. I wish I had that. I wish I had a group of friends that I could share similar interests with. These photos are beautiful and I want to go!

  3. Kirenia did a wonderful job on the photos. She really captured the day! I loved the idea of a spa pampering day. It was really relaxing :)


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