Monday, September 15, 2014

Real Life Back to School

My oldest started school last week. We had one full week of a real schedule, drop off and pick up. 
 He was a big kid, it was the real deal. We were a bit flustered that first day- ok maybe the whole first week. Nobody warned me how hard it is to be a first time back to school parent. Not only do you have to all get up early and get reay to go on time. But there's lunches to prepare, snacks to not forget, a good healthy breakfast to be eaten and don't forget to make sure the 2 year old is still moving along with you! Friday came and I was wiped out. 
I picked him up Friday morning and was looking forward to the weekend. We chatted in the car and spent some time talkingn about his week. I reared up a little because I could tell my little guy had grown up in those past 5 days. He was being influenced by people I didn't know. He had the chance to make decisions I wasn't a part of and he was gaining a new found confidence that was changing his personality. All for the good so far but it made me think about how we can't protect them forever. They will make their own choices and have to figure out life. I get to help him along the way and hopefully teach him to be a strong man of God. 
I want him to know he is loved, that he is perfect the way God made him and that he can be extraordinary. As I'm learning to be brave this year and growing in my life I realize that I can only do so much for him. Even as adults we can struggle with who we are and we want to be. 
For now, I have to trust in not only God but in my little Noah. Trust that I've don't a good job on him the first 5 years and that he will be an amazing little person while I'm not around. God has a plan for him and it's only just started. 

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