Here's the thing. We, as women, sometimes have a hard time loving our bodies. Maybe not all women but I've sat around a group of ladies before and we did this ice breaker- say one thing you would change about yourself... We all had a running list. We could list which surgeries we would have, we would wish this was bigger, that was smaller, this wasn't wrinkly... It was a super easy thing to do. Then we had to say one thing we loved about ourselves.
We all finally came up with something but it was way harder then listing what we would change. So sad! We should love our bodies, we should EMBRACE what God has given us. I'm not saying don't be healthy because of course that's important, but that's not what I'm talking about here. Let's celebrate what makes all of us, US.
Now I can feel this way- and speak about it to you all day long. But I don't practice what I preach.
I hate my hips.
Gosh my arms are flabby.
Why are my thighs so big?!
My nose has a huge bump.
I hate getting dressed!
I'm one of the worst offenders of talking bad about myself. I want to change that. I want to be uplifting and encourage others (and myself) to love our bodies. To love things about myself and be able to compliment myself. I don't want my two little boys to grow up hearing mommy talk badly about her own body. I want to help girls embrace their differences, not want to look like this celebrity or that model. We are different, we are all going to look different and that's OK!
So to go with my being brave this year- I've decided to take a personal challenge.
You've probably seen #WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday) or #OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) a way to share your super cute outfit with the world. These ladies put it out there and I love that! I don't usually like pictures of myself- especially full body ones but I'll be embracing that body and sharing my favorite outfit of the week and I'd love to see you all do the same! Real women, real bodies! Love what you got!! Have an outfit that you rock?! Share it! Love the way your makeup looks today? Share it! Found some super cute shoes? Show them off! Take more selfies! Let's love on ourselves and encourage other to do the same. You can find a post from me here every Wednesday (and I'll be sharing throughout the week on Instagram as well
@krystaladele) but let's make a movement happen- share your love for your own body with others and encourage other to join you. #embracelovingyou... Encourage women to LOVE OUR BODIES! Because we only live once ladies, let's get out there and rock it!
beYOUtiful. |