Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year.

Last New Years I chose a word. One word to strive for in 2013. I feel like I succeeded in fully Embracing this past year and all that came with it. I embraced the struggles along with the good times. I chose to Embrace difficult situations instead of staying away from them. With that being said I am looking forward to what 2014 has to offer. Stay tuned for my word of the year and how I plan to use it.
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Joining Simply Alli in her New Years linkup- goals for 2014.

A bad habit I’m going to break: 
Putting things off that I don't feel like doing. Not necessarily procrastinating but more just not wanting to say, clean.

A new skill I’d like to learn:
Free hand writing on chalkboards is a skill right?

A person I hope to be more like:
I'm not going to name names but a friend of mine comes to mind because she is fearless when it comes to meeting new people. I want to look to her people skills and strive to grow in mine. 

A good deed I’m going to do:
Doing random acts of kindness. It feels good to just uplift someone out of nowhere. 

A place I’d like to visit:
Napa. It's close enough to home, we'll have to try to get up there sometime soon.

A book I’d like to read:
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. Got it for Christmas and I'm feeling brave.

A letter I’m going to write:
I love sending "just because" cards to my good friend in Northern California- if you're reading this you may be getting a lot more this year!

A new food I’d like to try:
We recently moved and my husband is looking forward to trying new places around where we live. I know I'm going to have to stay open minded and start trying foods that I don't "like" even if I've never really tried them! Time to be adventurous. 

I’m going to do better at:

Being a wife. Marriage is hard and life throws curveballs at you. I want to be able to fight them off and become a better woman for my husband. 

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