Monday, January 20, 2014

Hello Monday: Fountains and Trains

If you follow me on Instagram (and ya should!) you would've seen I had a couple of San Diego confessions this past week. We've lived in this gorgeous city for the majority of our lives, in Southern California for my whole life so I really shouldn't have had these confessions but I did.

We were tourists in our own city this past week.

Due to a recent move about 20 minutes south the boys and I have been slowly becoming adventurers. 
Balboa Park, Downtown San Diego

We explored Balboa park for the first time (barely scratched the surface) with our friends and went to the train museum. Seeing the joy in my boys eyes gave me the tiniest bit of guilt. Why have I been holding out on them? We have so many opportunities at our finger tips, yes we do get out and have fun but it's always in my comfort zone. And this is my year to step out of that, get a little uncomfortable and take the kiddos places that used to make me nervous with two little ones. Even though they are little and may not remember much of these adventures with their momma I will have stories to tell them. I will get to share with them how Brave I was in taking two crazy boys all over our city. Plus the pictures- they are amazing and make the best kind of memories. 

Can't wait to share all our adventures with you, go be a tourist in your own city!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

One Word: Brave.

After Embracing life last year and really taking changes with stride, I'm ready to be Brave this year.

poster found here
I struggle with confidence and it's something that I'm so ready to change. Time to step up and be brave, believe in myself and believe in what I can do. Not just with confidence but with being nervous. Not doing things because it's out of my comfort zone. Time to kick that bad habit.
My goal for this year (and yes I realize it's already mid-January but everyone knows the new year takes a couple weeks to start!) Be BRAVE. Be courageous and strong. Have faith in Him and make sure that I trust that my life is in His hands and He never gives us more then we can handle.
I want to inspire others.
So go, step out of your comfort zone. Do something different today and make someone else smile. Get uncomfortable and try to not be nervous while doing it. Join me in this years journey, in the words of Miss Sara Bareilles- "Show me, how big your Brave is."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year.

Last New Years I chose a word. One word to strive for in 2013. I feel like I succeeded in fully Embracing this past year and all that came with it. I embraced the struggles along with the good times. I chose to Embrace difficult situations instead of staying away from them. With that being said I am looking forward to what 2014 has to offer. Stay tuned for my word of the year and how I plan to use it.
Pin found here; Etsy purchase here
Joining Simply Alli in her New Years linkup- goals for 2014.

A bad habit I’m going to break: 
Putting things off that I don't feel like doing. Not necessarily procrastinating but more just not wanting to say, clean.

A new skill I’d like to learn:
Free hand writing on chalkboards is a skill right?

A person I hope to be more like:
I'm not going to name names but a friend of mine comes to mind because she is fearless when it comes to meeting new people. I want to look to her people skills and strive to grow in mine. 

A good deed I’m going to do:
Doing random acts of kindness. It feels good to just uplift someone out of nowhere. 

A place I’d like to visit:
Napa. It's close enough to home, we'll have to try to get up there sometime soon.

A book I’d like to read:
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. Got it for Christmas and I'm feeling brave.

A letter I’m going to write:
I love sending "just because" cards to my good friend in Northern California- if you're reading this you may be getting a lot more this year!

A new food I’d like to try:
We recently moved and my husband is looking forward to trying new places around where we live. I know I'm going to have to stay open minded and start trying foods that I don't "like" even if I've never really tried them! Time to be adventurous. 

I’m going to do better at:

Being a wife. Marriage is hard and life throws curveballs at you. I want to be able to fight them off and become a better woman for my husband. 

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