Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday favorites (with a parody involved)

I keep wanting to share some of the fun new things I've found that I'm in LOVE with and then I forget until I find a new thing that I love and want to share all over again! So here it is- one of many I'm sure, Friday favorites.
Starbucks iced coffee (lightly sweetened)
Found this gem at Target and was super excited. I enjoy my coffee iced but I can never get it to taste just right when using the keurig. When I passed by the fridge area and saw this I had to try it. Hooked!! And cheaper then buying an iced latte at Starbucks for sure. 
Check the specialty juice area- about $5 for a bottle and I usually get 4-5 coffees out of it. 

NYX eyebrow pencil.
The eyebrow/highlighter pencil is a makeup life changer! The first time I used it I got so many compliments- I was almost offended! Like dang- did it make that huge of a difference?? How'd I look before?! I soon learned it really is because it's a must have beauty product. 
I use it to fill in my brows and then run the highlighter down from the inside under my eye to the end corner. Magical. 
Found at Target. 

Honest diapers. Now listen- I am not one to buy expensive diapers (really? They're for pooping in) but I saw that Target had them on sale and decided I wanted to try them out. See what the hype was about.
They really are the first diapers that have fit Lucas super well. No leaks, beyond cute (hello anchor designs!) and I was pleasantly surprised at the price. Still a little more then we usually pay but not awful. I haven't decided if we will buy more but I do think it's a good purchase!

Shameless plug alert: Jamberry nails. 
I first tried jamberry when I hosted a party for friend of mine. I wasn't super hopeful, it didn't sound like something I would like. But I hate painting my nails and couldn't splurge on shellac anymore so I figured why not. 
And boom- amazing! They're a vinyl wrap that is applied with heat and pressure. I love all the fun designs and the fact that I don't ever have to wait for my nails to dry. I love them so much I signed up to start selling them! So let me know if you want a sample or more info. I'd love to oblige ;) check them out here

Last but not least.. I'm obsessed with The Girls With Glasses, I have officially stalked all their social media channels and spent hours scrolling. If you haven't seen this I'm not Fancy video, I am happy to introduce you to it.. you're welcome. 

What have you been loving lately?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Real Life Back to School

My oldest started school last week. We had one full week of a real schedule, drop off and pick up. 
 He was a big kid, it was the real deal. We were a bit flustered that first day- ok maybe the whole first week. Nobody warned me how hard it is to be a first time back to school parent. Not only do you have to all get up early and get reay to go on time. But there's lunches to prepare, snacks to not forget, a good healthy breakfast to be eaten and don't forget to make sure the 2 year old is still moving along with you! Friday came and I was wiped out. 
I picked him up Friday morning and was looking forward to the weekend. We chatted in the car and spent some time talkingn about his week. I reared up a little because I could tell my little guy had grown up in those past 5 days. He was being influenced by people I didn't know. He had the chance to make decisions I wasn't a part of and he was gaining a new found confidence that was changing his personality. All for the good so far but it made me think about how we can't protect them forever. They will make their own choices and have to figure out life. I get to help him along the way and hopefully teach him to be a strong man of God. 
I want him to know he is loved, that he is perfect the way God made him and that he can be extraordinary. As I'm learning to be brave this year and growing in my life I realize that I can only do so much for him. Even as adults we can struggle with who we are and we want to be. 
For now, I have to trust in not only God but in my little Noah. Trust that I've don't a good job on him the first 5 years and that he will be an amazing little person while I'm not around. God has a plan for him and it's only just started. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Every inch of you is beautiful

Sharing for #embracelovingyou because this song makes me happy.

I'm bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No I'm just playing I know you think you're fat
But I'm here to tell ya
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top

Friday, August 15, 2014

MOPS: Brave and Crafty

After sharing how much I loved MOPS the other day I got to spend some time with our lovely leadership team and get our craft on for the upcoming semester. I wanted to share the amazing centerpieces that one of our ladies came up with! I love being part of such a creative team.
The process picture:
Finished product:
Stamping the word Brave on the white feathers gave it that special connection to the "Be you bravely" theme. 
I feel like I hear God constantly telling me this is my time to be brave. There's always a reminder right in front of me- I haven't quite figured out where I'm supposed to be brave yet but after just finishing reading the book "Let's all be Brave" by Annie F Downs (review to come) I feel like I just have to listen to Him. 
Hear it and be brave, he made me on purpose.. He made me to be brave. 
And I can't wait to start this brave journey with some pretty great ladies by my side! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Be you, bravely.. MOPS

I've touched base on my love for mops before but as we gear up for the next semester I'm reminded of how important this community is. 
Mops stands for mothers of preschoolers, because that's what we are. We are mothers first and we share that bond of being knee deep in a season that can be hard. Now it's not always hard, I'm not complaining and saying that because I have 2 kids under the age of 5 my life is so crazy hard ALL the time. There are good days and bad days, just like any other season of life I think. But us moms get each other. We know the struggle and the balance that comes with being moms to young children. 
It comes with long nights, snotty noses, tears and fighting. It comes with hugs, snuggles and smiles. There's screaming, hitting, time outs and pouting. We see joy and laughter that can quickly turn to tantrums if something doesn't go just the right way.
You want to know what it's like being a mom to a 2 year old? Imagine living with a tiny little person who has a split personality but loves you more than anything in the world- until you use the word "no". You're mom and their world revolves around you- so much so that you can't even pee alone. Showering? Forget it, better master the ole dry shampoo/perfume cover up now.
But we do it. We are moms and we have chosen to love those little people more then they love us. Yet we are women too and the community that MOPS gives us helps me remember that I am not alone in this. God has a plan for us and we aren't meant to do it alone. 
This years theme is "Be You, Bravely." When I heard that it felt like God was speaking to me directly. Be you. Be brave and join these women in their journey. Because for me being a mother is just the beginning of being brave.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Because you're two.

My Little Lucas,
You turned two this week. Had you stayed on schedule in the beginning you would still be one until late August. But my sweet Lucas, now that we know your personality, we know you never stay on schedule.
Because you're two you think you can make all the decisions. You like to be independent as long as mommy is close by. Not daddy, or Noah- just mommy. We are attached and going strong, separation anxiety doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon. We love to snuggle and tickle. You crawl into bed with us every night, sometimes gentle but usually like a monster crawling under my covers. Your bold personality starts right when you wake up. 
Because you're two you love to dance. The "happy song" is on constant repeat in our life. We love to watch how happy it really makes you. Forget soothing lullabies- let's jam to Happy before bed. You love applesauce, pizza, milk (in a toy story cup) and any kind of cookie. The pantry doors have to stay locked because you my friend, love to snack! 
Because you're two you love to run, jump, shriek and wrestle. You're all boy and aren't afraid to show it. My favorite thing you say right now is "Yep". Ask you a question and it's Yep- not yes or yea. Always "Yep". With your mischievous smile accompanying it. The energy and life you bring to our family makes us feel complete. 
I thank God every day for bringing me my sweet Lucas. He chose me for you and trusted that I would be the best mom. The past two years have been a blessing, time to power through the terrific twos and watch your personality keep changing. Because you're two and you're my Luca- you always keep us guessing. 
Thank you for being two and bringing crazy love into our lives. You have taught us life is full of the unintentional and you have taught me to embrace it.
Love mommy. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dance it Out #embracelovingyou

Habits are hard to break. Hating on myself while getting dressed is an old habit that I'm working on kicking. But let's face it, once something is done for so long it's your automatic go to. Being mean to myself is engrained in me. Even when I am working on it so hard.
Have you seen this Dove ad? It makes me cry every time...

It really is an epidemic. We are hard on ourselves. We can't see what others see. There are campaigns all over the place about loving our real beauty but it's a slow moving change. You still hear about how so and so lost this much baby weight or this person has been working hard for that bride to be body. Why not stand up and say- I love who I am and I love the way I look!

Channel JLo and pose it out in your backyard.. I promise it boosts the self esteem. 
Remembering to fight the mean words with LOVE. Love yourself inside and out. List the things you do love about yourself, work really hard at it until you believe it! Because it's easy to list those things you want to change (I've shared that) but what about the things you love? Find a friend, someone who you know loves you and ask- what do you like about me? Then share what you love with them. AND then share what you love about yourself. Say it out loud and be proud of it. Empower one another to be kind to yourselves. It may seem like you're fishing for compliments but NO- it's sharing love with each other.
Then bump some old school Jennifer Lopez (I suggest Jenny From the Block) and have a dance party. It's a serious mood lifter.
JLo dance party with a 2 year old is good for the soul.
and the silly outtake for you, once a cheerleader always a cheerleader?
Love yourself this week, #embracelovingyou

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