Thursday, December 12, 2013

Little Christmas Tree Jar

I love simple crafts that are cute and happy.
Mason jars are all over the place right now, I love them so I am definitely on board for the craze. Here's a super easy way to use them in your Christmas decor.
What you'll need:
Mason Jars
Little craft trees
Fake powder snow
Glue gun
I made it two different ways. Option one: Hot glue the little tree onto the bottom of the jar add the snow and close the lid. Tada.
Second option: Hot glue the little tree onto the lid and put the snow in the jar. Put the lid on and Tada.
Seriously, so easy and super cute. I even gifted one!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just a little sensitive

{via} Disney Baby Blog.
I became a preschool teacher when Noah was almost 2. He went to work with me and spent his day in my classroom with the other children around his age. The majority of my class was little girls and Noah loved them. He was always following along with whichever girl decided to be his friend that day. He was happy and I didn't even think about it. 
In fact he had his very first best friend in a little girl named Laila. They would constantly pair up whenever we needed a hand holding buddy and she would always wait for him when we started a new activity. It was adorable and I loved this little girl for being such a sweetheart to my little boy. Two years later and this family has moved out of our town. We still see them time to time and Noah still talks about her and says she is his best friend (if you ask her they are getting married!)
Hello future wedding invitation.
The new group of moms that I've become good friends with all have boys. We've spent a lot of time with them in the last year and I love the play dates and moms nights out that we all have together. I was really excited for Noah to make "boy" friends especially because he had been around little girls for so long. After a few play dates I began to see a difference in my little boy and the other boys. He is not the rough and tumble type or the yelling type but he is the type who likes to follow others around and do as they say. A follower but not in a bad way, just in a go with the flow kind of way a lot like my husband in his laid back personality. I wasn't too concerned though, everyone is different and that's what makes things fun.
It did get me thinking about how we all raise our children. It shows you how different everyone's parenting styles are and how we handle situations. I don't think I do it better by any means. I think that I know how my son reacts to situations and I know his personality so I know what works. I know that he spends a lot of time with me and that he has his dad's temperament. As moms we know our children better then anyone. We feel for them and we feel their emotions.
Noah loves his all his friends and he loves trying to be like them when he chooses to. But I know that I have a sensitive little boy that may not be as rough or "manly" as all the other little boys and that's ok. Don't get me wrong- he's no perfect child. We still have tantrums and brattiness just like everyone else, I still struggle with the toddler roller coaster. I want to make sure that I encourage Noah to be himself and to embrace his personality. That's a huge part of our job as parents, encouraging them to find who they are and who God wants them to be. I love his daddy and I see so much of him in Noah. If that's where we're heading then I have nothing to worry about.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mustache Bash: The decorations

If you've been following along you know that my little guy just turned 1! Time flies when you're having fun.

We threw a big Mustache Bash for him and I'm excited to share some of the photos with you. I worked really hard on a lot of the little details and I love how it all came together!
 I made all of these printables super easy in regular Word, just printed them on cardstock and stuck them in frames!
 This is a tradition that I hope to keep up every year. I asked guests to write a little birthday wish for Lucas and then I will put the photos from the party in the back half of the book.
Yes our party had a hashtag and let me tell you I have loved looking at everyones pictures from that day. Times are definitely changing and it's awesome that we got to share our memories with each other so easily! Photobooth props and Instagram sign all handmade by me.
The hanging circle decorations and these bottles were definitely my favorite things that I made for the party. I like to give out sensible thank you gifts, I know I get rid of most candy or little toys quickly so I don't like to stick parents with those things.
Handmade sign by me.
One birthday boy photo- more to come!
I love to party prep (even though it gets stressful!) and seeing the results turn out exactly how I had hoped for is the best part! Can't wait for many more parties in the future.

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